Happy Birthday, Artful MetalWorx! Congratulations to Scott and Damon for not just growing, but thriving during a pretty eventful 365 days!

We wanted to take a brief moment to celebrate a year of learning, labor and love. In this great video from Robert Ferguson and Take One Production Studios, we walk through our first designs, talk about lessons learned and reiterate how grateful we are for our customers. We also share our love for Artful Ellijay and this beautiful community in the North Georgia mountains.

It’s been a phenomenal year and can’t wait for many more to come.Thanks again to everyone who has supported us along the way!

All of our love,

Artful MetalWorx family \m/

Artful MetalWorx 1 Year Anniversary Video Transcript

Opening Credits: Artful MetalWorx Ext. 2019 [ragtime music playing]

Damon: Hey, we want to make metal art. Sure. OK. What does that mean?

Scott: I don’t know what that is…

[Damon laughing]

Scott: …but I’d love to find out. It’s just fun, you know, I love creating.

Artful MetalWorx logo with sparks [metal music playing]

Damon: We’re on the precipice of our one year anniversary. Scott and I started working together actually April 2019. We didn’t really know what we were doing and we didn’t release any of our first products until June, so we consider June 1st, 2019 to be the anniversary of Artful MetalWorx. You’ve got me, Damon Gabriel, Chief Metal Head. And…

Scott: Scott

Damon: The Patinator. And we are Artful MetalWorx. One year old. …and then this happened…

[kids voices in distance]

Damon: Oooohhhhh! It’s my beautiful family! What’s up, everybody?!? What a special treat that is. We are celebrating here!

[Damon’s Family singing Happy Birthday to Artful MetalWorx]

Damon [to Theo]: Thanks, buddy! Did you make this just for me & Scott? Birthday boys. Excellent.

Graphic: When did you first think, “We might have something here?”

Scott: I don’t know if it was a particular piece, I would have to say it was when we started going to events. I guess the 4th of July, here in town [Ellijay, GA], was the first thing that we went to. The feedback of the people coming by made me feel like we had something cool.

Damon: That it was gonna work.

Scott: You know, potential.

Graphic: June 2019 – The first product…

Damon: So we’re looking at June 2019 [holding wine bottle metal art]. Right here, this very product that I’m holding in my hand right here is the first piece Scott and I organically did from design through everything. And this was like our first original design that we put in a retail location and offered to a customer.

Graphic: Lessons that led to success…

Scott: Certain parts of a design might mess up, or be too flimsy and you know that was all trial and error. Doing something, making a design and realizing that it looks too floppy. It feels cheap or something. And learning how to bridge, bridge the metal so that it’s one piece. Intricate. But not flimsy.

Damon: Exactly.

I look at this like a video game, you know? We started, and we were  at like level zero and we’ve gone through this whole year and we just got to level one, right? So like, we’re stoked! It’s like Diablo, you know? My character finally got to this level. And I’ve finally able to get some skills and some spells I can use. And boom! You know. Here we are. But we’re working our way up, on our way to level two so we’ll see what that offers us.

This is a trip down memory lane both in the piece [Pledge Flag] Because this is one of the the first Patriotic piece we did. And also into the process and where we came from.

It’s been a beautiful year. We owe all of our success to our customers, we’re so grateful. Also to Artful Ellijay. They’re a huge part of our story. We’re Artful MetalWorx, they’re Artful Ellijay, we’re both related under the Artful Provisions brand. But the store gave us our first outlet to showcase our product to our customers. Through the story that we’ve told you and the increase of quality and care in our product, we became the most sold over vendor month after month after month after month. People are coming in and seeing this unique offering and that was the first gust of wind under our wings.

We’re really happy to celebrate this first year with you, And look forward to what the future brings both for Artful MetalWorx and the Artful Provisions brand. Scott and I – everything that’s going to be going on here. We’re looking forward to it!

That’s year one in a nutshell.

Scott: Awesome.

Damon: BAMCIS!!!

Artful MetalWorx Logo explodes with sparks [metal music playing]



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