My name is Damon Gabriel, Marine Corps veteran turned entrepreneurial metal artist.

And today we’re at the shop to give you a sneak peek of how the metal art magic happens.

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.

– Thomas Merton

If you gave me a canvas I might not be able to make metal art this way, but you teach me how to use this software and to utilize this machine and we can create this beautiful one of a kind metal art piece and finish it in certain ways that are totally unique to us. That gives us this stamp of uniqueness on metal art which is really exciting and probably what we love most about doing our job and creating our metal artwork.

This idea started like this you know, let’s get a plasma cutter and make this metal art piece and maybe travel around. I really like metal art and it’s really a cool concept that’s emerged over the past couple of years. We were just going to operate out of this small barn, make metal art, maybe do some traveling tent sales…

We’re expanding our brand, cutting metal art, opening new lines. We’ve got people working with us to accomplish our missions and this idea that started as a small grassroots thing – and we’re definitely growing that way – but it’s really turned into this “wow, if we nurture it and groom it properly, it could really turn into a great product that we hope and feel people really love and carry on with them.” With being able to do custom metal art pieces this is something where we make a piece of art for somebody, who could have this as a family heirloom, passing it down. That would be something we would be so honored and grateful for.

Hi everybody. My name is Scott Schrader and I am fortunate enough to be one of the metal artists here at Artful MetalWorx.

Woodgrain patina is one of the popular patinas here at Artful MetalWorx. Patinas never do exactly the same thing twice. This was found by experimenting, by letting patinas oxidize on the metal a little bit longer before adding another layer. The woodgrain patina was sort of an accidental find through purely leaving it in the sun for a second before applying a second coat of the patina and letting it run down. It produces a woodgrain effect, which is very beautiful and looks like a piece of wood, but it’s on hard cold metal.

We love what we’re doing here. We hope that you love what we’re doing here. We’re going to continue to build lasting relationships not only inside of our company but also with all of you, the customers and the metal artwork we’re going to be able to do for you in the future.

Featured in video:
Damon Gabriel, Marine Corps veteran turned entrepreneurial metal artist
Scott Schrader, Artful MetalWorx artist

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