Patinas are the thumbprint of Artful MetalWorx, providing a unique look and feel to our metalworx of art.

Patinas are the finish on the metal that provides vibrant colors and “breaths live into cold steel” as Scott puts it. He should know since he’s our Patina Master!

Artful MetalWorx exclusively uses SteelFX Patinas for all of our finishes. We can’t say enough about SteelFX owner, Bill Worden, and his amazing products. (Though future blogs will continue to apply ample praise for Bill and colorful kingdom.)

Below are some examples of Patina patterns and colors we use for our Beer Bears.

Metal art of a bear body with deer antlers and the word "beer" in the body of the bear - all cut out of metal. This piece has a wood grain copper patina.
Instant classic. This is our signature Wood Grain Copper Patina finish.
Metal art of a bear body with deer antlers and the word "beer" in the body of the bear - all cut out of metal. This piece has a multi-color patina finish with dark blues and purples throughout the body of the bear.
Multi-Color Patina – Highlighting the torched or burnt look with deep blues and purples along with red accents.
We’re calling this on Beerberry since this pattern kinda resembles the classing Burberry look.
Metal art of a bear body with deer antlers and the word "beer" in the body of the bear - all cut out of metal. This piece has a multi-color patina finish with dark blues and purples up top and golden yellow towards the feet.
Multi-Color Patina at it’s finest! This really highlights the variety of colors that can be achieved on the metal. Even on a small canvass like this 9″x9″ bear.

So, what’s your favorite color of Beer?

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